Monday, September 24, 2012

Hammacher Schlemmer Spotlight: The Full Phrase Talking Translator

Photo Source: Hammacher Schlemmer

A desirable companion for the world traveller is possessing the ability to communicate effectively with the residents of way-off lands. While some of us have acquired the skills to master multiple languages to make negotiating exotic locales, hundreds of millions of other tourists and traveling businesspeople could use some help. While translation dictionary and electronic translators have existed for long time, retailer Hammacher Schlemmer has secured a device that is slated to be a cut-above others.

The Phrase Talking Translator is a pocket-sized electronic that can instantly assist in deciphering 30 different languages. With the capacity of 1.8 million words, The Phrase Talking Translator is also equipped with 210,000 common phrases and sentences. Three times more phrases than the previous generation device, this product would enable easier maneuvering through most common travelling scenarios.

The size of a smartphone or most other pocket devices, The Phrase Talking Translator opens up to a 3.75-inch backlit LCD screen and a QWERTY keyboard for easy interaction by the user. Through integrated speakers, the correct pronunciation of words and phrases will prove helpful in navigating unique regions of the world. Beyond the language translation software, a currency converter, world clock, basic and scientific calculator, a voice recorder as well as six games are loaded in the device.

Priced at $249.95, The Phrase Talking Translator could be the ideal device for future globe-trotters in 2013.

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